Ben Mclellan #77 returns

Ben Mclellan #77 returns

Bens back in Blackburn for another season, Dom had the following to say. Ben is a guy who has made it through since trials my first year. He has taken steps forward every month that he has been with us. He still is young and needs to learn the game more and I believe he...

The King of Blackburn returns.

The King of Blackburn returns.

Another signing we know the Hawks fans have been waiting for, but the wait is over. Read what Dom has to say on Barnes staying at the Hawks. Again I don’t think I have to say how exciting it is to be able to have Adam back with us. He had a tough start with...

The T-800 returns for another season!

The T-800 returns for another season!

Our very own T-800 is back and he goes by the name of James Royds. Dom on Royds’ return: I honestly can’t express how excited we all are to have Roydsey back. He was a player that last season I was asked to give a look and sign. I never did see him play nor...

Two way with Telford Tigers for Noah Kaariainen

Two way with Telford Tigers for Noah Kaariainen

  It was no surprise to me when I got a message from Tom Watkins over in Telford. As we said before we will strive to help players along. It really shows we are on the right track with recruiting players when these teams come knocking. Noah will be spending the time with the tigers...

Pre season, we take on Sutton Sting!

Pre season, we take on Sutton Sting!

Sutton Sting Pre season. Dom on our meeting with Sutton. I’m very happy we have managed to find an opposition that I know will work as hard as they can and give us a challenge for preseason. With the change in fixtures and layout to the season it saw teams in our league not able...

Sam Warnock is back for another year.

Sam Warnock is back for another year.

Sam Warnock is back for another year with the Hawks. Dom had the following to say on his return. Sam is a brilliant signing for us as he is such a versatile player. We have moved in a different direction with our Dmen this season as we feel we wanted to strengthen for the games...

Welcome to the nest Noah Kääriäinen.

Welcome to the nest Noah Kääriäinen.

Welcome to Blackburn Noah Kääriäinen, This is a signing that proves we are moving in the right direction. Noah will be a top dman in this league in time. I feel he is on the cusp of the National League at the moment just returning to the country. To be able to add him to...

The Magic Man returns!

The Magic Man returns!

Jacob Lutwyche, the Magic Man is back for another season with the Blackburn Hawks. Dom Osman has the following to say. I honestly can’t say enough about this signing. As a player, as a person and as a competitor. Jake has been absolute phenomenal for us as a team and as a club as well...

Ethan Mayoh returns

Ethan Mayoh returns

BOOM BOOM BOOM, LET ME HEAR YOU SAY ETHAN… MAYOH! Ethan is a guy I truly have a lot of time for. I know last season was a bit of an adjustment as Ethan’s personal side with work and less ice-time changed from the year before skating with the Leeds Knights. It’s not as easy...